Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's hard to believe that one year ago, I left my job and home with no clear plan of where I'd be working or what I'd be doing! I had only the certainty that I could not stay in the job I had, and stay sane and happy. Luckily, I also had the love and support of my husband who said, "Go for it!" I had the inner certainty that I would find a position that I loved or that I would stay home and be a sub while I looked for something else. Now there are just a little over two months left of the school year and Farmington is a fantastic place to work.

I just received a new ARC book to read and review: "Making Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Catt" by David Dosa, MD. It is about a cat living in a nursing home. I haven't started it yet because I can tell it will be a tear jerker.

I also got The Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting Playbook which looks like it has some very interesting exercises. The main gist of the book seems to be limiting self-defeatist attitudes.

Thanks for stopping by.

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