Sunday, April 4, 2010

Speed Booking Or Book Dating?

This week the fifth grade will be doing one of my favorite lessons. Based on the idea of "Speed Dating," students are divided into eight groups - the group has about 3 minutes to "meet and greet" the books on a table before they move to the next. We have 8 tables, so we choose six or eight books (we always choose books that are "unknowns") from 8 genres. We are using Sci-Fi, Historical, Romance, Mystery, Humor, Adventure, Realistic, and Horror this time. We put a Genre sign on each table.
Student examine the books on each table for three things: the favorite cover, blurb and beginning. Each student may have three different titles or just one or two for each table.

When all students have visited all the table, I give them three or four minutes to go back to a table to grab a book that they want to check out. It is first come, first read; some of the scrabbling to get a hot book is comical and exciting.

I'll post some pictures of this lesson during the week.

Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's hard to believe that one year ago, I left my job and home with no clear plan of where I'd be working or what I'd be doing! I had only the certainty that I could not stay in the job I had, and stay sane and happy. Luckily, I also had the love and support of my husband who said, "Go for it!" I had the inner certainty that I would find a position that I loved or that I would stay home and be a sub while I looked for something else. Now there are just a little over two months left of the school year and Farmington is a fantastic place to work.

I just received a new ARC book to read and review: "Making Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Catt" by David Dosa, MD. It is about a cat living in a nursing home. I haven't started it yet because I can tell it will be a tear jerker.

I also got The Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting Playbook which looks like it has some very interesting exercises. The main gist of the book seems to be limiting self-defeatist attitudes.

Thanks for stopping by.