Thursday, December 24, 2009

I have been waiting to update my blog until the fifth graders finished with their "Welcome to the Web" activity. Reflecting on that activity, I have decided that I will make some significant changes to it next year, but will use it again.
The first part of the assignment was to complete this activity . It is a multi session lesson and most of the kids reported that while they knew something about many of the topics, there was new information too. A few really liked the lesson and commented that it was really fun and they learned a lot. A very few were "bored," because "they already know EVERYTHING about computers." LOL.

Next time I will have students journal about each activity directly after the student finishes with it instead of waiting till the end of the entire project.
In the second part of the lesson - exploring the media center webpage - I think I'll try having students post their answers on the blog instead of copying the questions and pasting them into a document. It might make a couple of positive differences. Firstly, reading all the responses with go much faster because they will all be in one space, and secondly, because a blog is an open forum where everyone can read their responses, I plan to redo the grading rubric to expect more from their answers.

Today is Christmas Eve and we are spending the day with our daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren, and DMiL at home. We are missing our son and daughter-in-law, but will see them for New Years. We are blessed to be with our family and hope the people who stumble across this post are similarly blessed.

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